Moon Phase Guide For Magic

Magic Moon Phase Guide For All Your Spell Workings

A chart of each moon phase in one picture.
A chart of each moon phase in one picture.

The Moon is a very powerful body, and much energy can be harnessed and harvested from it. It is a mysterious and magnificent being. The moon can charge us with extra energy if we need it, and if we ask for it.

For magic purposes, the moon is used for all kinds of spells and rituals. The various phases give various amounts of energy and frequency for us to use for our workings; whatever those workings may be.

The moon can give you a boost of power if you choose to harness that power, so you want to choose your moon phase wisely or else you may end up getting a spell that backfires because you harnessed the wrong polarity of energy from the moon.

This is a simple moon phase guide as to which moon phase is best for the different types of spells. It is generalized as for type of spell, not for specific spells. The spells you perform are up to you, this is simply a guide if you wish to do your magic by moon phase.

Moon Phases
Image of the New Moon phase.
Image of the New Moon phase.

New Moon – dark, unlit moon; the new moon phase is the start as well as the end of the cycle for the moon phases.




Image of a Waxing Crescent Moon phase.
Image of a Waxing Crescent Moon phase.

Waxing Crescent – the portion of the moon that is lit is in the shape of a crescent; this moon phase is also sometimes referred to as a Waxing Quarter because roughly one-quarter of the moon is visible at this time. Waxing Crescent is when the moon is on its way to becoming a Full Moon.


Image of the First Quarter Moon phase.
Image of the First Quarter Moon phase.

First Quarter – also referred to as Waxing Half, this moon phase is where half of the visible side of the moon is lit and is making its way to becoming a Full Moon.



Image of a Waxing Gibbous Moon phase.
Image of a Waxing Gibbous Moon phase.

Waxing Gibbous – this moon phase is sometimes referred to as a Three-Quarter Waxing moon because roughly three-quarters of the moon is lit as the moon heads to becoming a Full Moon.



Image of the Full Moon phase.
Image of the Full Moon phase.

Full Moon – a Full Moon is when the entire visible moon is lit bright; the Full Moon is the halfway point in the moon phase cycle.




Image of a Waning Gibbous Moon phase.
Image of a Waning Gibbous Moon phase.

Waning Gibbous – this moon phase is also sometimes called Three-Quarter Waning moon, and is when roughly three-quarters of the moon is lit after passing the point of Full Moon on its way to returning to the New Moon.









Image of the Last Quarter Moon phase.
Image of the Last Quarter Moon phase.

Last Quarter – also referred to as Waning Half, this moon phase is when half of the moon is lit during the cycle of returning to a New Moon.




Image of a Waning Crescent Moon phase.
Image of a Waning Crescent Moon phase.

Waning Crescent – the portion of the moon that is lit during the Waning Crescent moon phase looks like a crescent in the sky; also referred to as Dark Moon or Waning Quarter as the crescent is roughly one-quarter of the moon lit as it returns in the cycle to being a New Moon.



Moon Phase Uses
Moon Phase Uses
What Each Type Of Moon Phase Is Used For

New Moon – The New Moon phase draws the second most amount of power out of all other moon phases. New moon energy is channeled for renewing and refreshing. New Moon = New

  • Very powerful moon phase for important spells.
  • Good for spells where you need to cleanse and start fresh.
  • Used for starting a new job or relationship.
  • Can be used for binding when the binding involves starting over. For example, to bind your past so that it does not affect your present or future.
  • Good for fertility spells.
  • A good moon phase for contacting and communicating with those who have passed on.
  • The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.


A Waxing Moon – means the moon is transitioning from New to Full. A Waxing Moon lasts for almost half the entire moon cycle.

  • To bring things to you, to attract your desires and wishes.
  • Used for prosperity spells, luck spells, to attract money and success, as well as love and happiness.
  • Also used for spells for finding objects, people, or pets.
  • The waxing moon is for constructive magic, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck and health.


Full Moon – The Full Moon phase draws more power than any other moon phase. Full Moon = Full Power or Full Charge

  • Very powerful moon phase for important spells.
  • Used for any spell that requires a large amount of energy and power.
  • Can be used for binding when the binding involves someone or something that you need to protect yourself or someone else from; also for protection.
  • Prophecy and Divination rituals are best done during the Full Moon phase.
  • Also for major and minor healing; finding work; knowledge; love; legal matters; dreams; and money.
  • A Full Moon’s energy can be harnessed for anything that can be done during any of the other moon phases, especially the New Moon phase.


A Waning Moon – means the moon is transitioning from Full to New. A Waning Moon lasts for almost half the entire moon cycle. The Dark Moon phase falls under the Waning Moon.

  • To ward things off; to rid yourself of something or someone; to rid of bad luck and negativity.
  • Used for spells that end a relationship, or end another phase in your life.
  • It is the moon phase for ridding illness and addictions, as well as for binding.
  • For rituals after a death to remove any unwanted energy that is lingering, or to put a soul to rest.
  • This moon phase is also good for cleansing spells or rituals, smudging, etc.
  • Used for banishing spells.
  • The Dark Moon is a time for getting rid of one’s bad habits; for binding spells; for delving into our hidden portions of ourselves to understand better our angers and passions; and for bringing forth justice.


You can do your spells during any portion of the moon phase of your choosing if you do not wish to follow traditional witchcraft which would have you follow moon phase specifics per spell or ritual.

Doing magic by moon phase is only necessary when you wish to harness the energy of the moon. If you are not planning on taking and using the moon’s energy, then you do not need to choose to do your spell or ritual during a specific moon phase.

I hope this guide helps you.

8 thoughts on “Moon Phase Guide For Magic”

  1. Teresa Desantis

    Bernadette, I am researching the powers of a waxing crescent moon and came across your interesting site. My very loyal Briard dog Barney has started having seizures every month on the day of the waxing crescent moon at around 10am since christmas day. We found a holistic vet which prescribed scullcap & valerian herbs to calm him near the time which helps a bit. You speak of the moon as a very powerful & wonderful energy but it has been a very scary and trying time for us watching him overcome with mental energy and having seizures. Is there anything you know of that could help protect him from these energies? I realise you teach people to embrace and harness them but how do we hide from them for just one day? Many thanks for your help. Regards, teresa & barney

    1. The only thing I can suggest is to look into crystals, and various herbs and oils for scent rather than ingestion. That doesn’t mean stop with the ones you’re giving him; keep giving him the valerian and skullcap, as they sound like they are clearly helping. Various crystals have various properties, and since I’m not an expert on crystals I can’t recommend any that would work, I do know that there are some that will help, so that’s why I say to look into that. As for the scents, sometimes certain smells can help ease what’s going on with the body, so it’s worth looking into. I really do hope that you get this resolved, for Barney’s sake, as well as your own.

  2. Bernadette, It is late june and I have only realised that you sent me a reply about barney. Thank you so much, he didn’t have another seizure until June 21st the solstice in the afternoon. He had gone 3 months without one and we were so hopeful. I am going to be hopeful and put the 5 dates of his seizures here to se if the days are special in any way (like the summer solstice) if your readers dont mind. Some of the lunar calendars show exact degrees of alignment from sun to moon but I don’t see the earths’ mentioned. The dates of his seizures from this very healthy fog are:
    Dec 25 10am
    Jan 25. 10 am
    Feb 19. 10:30
    March 22. 5am
    June 21st 4pm
    Do these dates or times of alignment mean anything special to anyone? My dog could sure use your guidance.
    Bernadette, I didn’t know you had advised me of crystal as I have just picked this up but whilst walking on a beach I came across the most amazing stone which is long in shape and about 10 inches long which felt good to hold like a handle to something. I took it home and kept being drawn to it, it was only flint. Only FLINT, all about this amazing stone and its’ ancient healing properties and when barney had a high temperature after his seizure on the solstice , this stone possible saved his life, is massaged him in circles for 1/2 at a time from head to toe, when I started the stone was so cold and when finished it was boiling hot, I believe it took the heat from him, Bernadette thank you for your wisdom and your kind reply.
    Teresa & Barney x

  3. I’m pretty sure your pictures are reversed of the phases of the Moon. Waxing would mean the right side of the Moon is lighted. Waning would mean the right side of the Moon is dark.

    1. I took all these pictures of the moon myself, and labelled them accordingly. The ones labelled waxing were in a waxing stage when I photographed them, as well as the ones in the waning stage. The only 2 images that are shown here that are not actually the stage listed are the 1st quarter and the new moon, as I didn’t have actual pictures of those stages I improvised to give a visual of what it looks like. So, these are actual photos of the stages of the moon as they were happening in front of my camera.

        1. I will cede in that I am wrong on this, but I did look up what phase the moon was in at the time one of those pictures was taken and it said it was the other way around. I will get this fixed, even though the pictures don’t fully affect what’s done in what phase. It’s always best to look up the current phase of the moon before doing a spell anyhow.

          1. Bernadette, is it possible you are were the Southern Hemisphere when taking photos of the moon phases?

            Most people from the Northern Hemisphere do not realise that the moon phases are inverted in the Southern Hemisphere, and a Waning moon would be lit from the right, and a Waxing from the left.

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