Portal Closing Spell: You May Need It

Portal closing is something that we should all know how to do. Here is a brief explanation of how to do it.

A depiction of a portal, as in a doorway or a mirror. Doorways, closets, and mirrors are common places for portals to open up.
A depiction of a portal, as in a doorway or a mirror. Doorways, closets, and mirrors are common places for portals to open up.

For many of us, we have come across portals throughout our days. Some of these portals were in our homes growing up. Some of them are in the homes we currently live in. Some are even in homes that we have visited either in the past or in the present.

Some of these portals were opened while conjuring using such devices as Ouija boards, or calling upon entities for our spells and rituals, and some are unknown why they are there.

Wherever the portal may be, and regardless of how it was opened, if it is somewhere where it needs to be closed, there is a way to do it.

This is a basic spell for closing a portal.

Whenever possible, you should be in front of the portal while performing a portal closing spell. If it is not possible, then you should use an image that represents the portal. Treat the image as if it were the portal itself. This image can be a hand-drawing, or an actual photo of the location of the portal. You can also use an object that represents the portal; a small box, or some glued together popsicle sticks. It doesn’t really matter what you use to represent the portal in absence of being in front of the actual portal itself as long as what you use you treat as if it is the portal itself. If using a representation of the portal, make sure it is something that can be burned. This will help to seal the portal when you are finished.

Salt. You will need salt. Stand in a circle of salt to perform ritual. You will also need the salt for throwing at the portal (or representation of the portal) during appropriate times in the spell. Such as when you are commanding it cleansed and closed, etc.

Candles. Candles should be lining your circle as well as a path to the portal. This is your path of energy that may not be penetrated by any other entity that you have not chosen to pass through. Candles will be lit upon casing your circle. Use whichever colors you are drawn to for this; go with what feels right.

Incense is recommended. Something that suits banishing, and or calming. If you are unsure what to use, just use what feels right at the time. If you don’t have incense, don’t worry about it, just leave it out. It’s to set your mood and your mindset for the ritual and casting.

A lot of people will recommend sage for a cleansing. If you wish, do so, if not, leave it out. It’s a method that works for some, but it not necessary for all.

You are going to want to call upon all of the elements for this as well as whichever Gods or Goddesses that you work with. Again, not necessary, but it is method, and channels the necessary power for your mind to work the spell. Go with your beliefs because it is your beliefs that will help you. These will be called when casting your circle.

I DO NOT recommend crystals for this because whatever is through that portal may attach itself to the crystals. If you are banishing negative entities, you should never ever use crystals or stones as the entity can be trapped within the stone or crystal; that can be very dangerous for anyone in possession of that stone or crystal if that should happen. So take off any jewelry that contains crystals and stones and remove them from the area before casting.

Use anything else that feels right. (Like herbs and stuff.)

You will want to write the spell ahead of time, making sure to use phrases such as “Away”, and “I command you”, and “I order you closed”, etc. Pick your own words that fit, but make sure they are commands that cannot be overpowered. Write it in a way that is easy to recite, and your intent is clear. You will need to recite your chant multiple times as you cast, and as you bind and throw your salt.

Remain in control no matter what happens. (Strange stuff might happen, so beware.) Don’t be surprised if stuff starts flying around the room or you hear strange noises.

Make it known that only YOU have the power to open this portal and use it and it will remain closed until such time as you see fit to open it, if ever.

If demons or negative entities are involved: Target the banishment of any demons in the spell so that they can never come through even if it is opened again. Also, if you have specific negative entities or demons that you are dealing with alongside this portal, you may want to bind them before banishing them. Use their name (if they have given you one); you always want to use their name when banishing them if you can. While doing so, do not show any fear, these types of entities feed on your fear. Your fear gives them power; so no fear means no power for them and all the power for you.

If there are no entities involved in the closing of the portal that need to be dealt with, then you can leave out the above step.

Once you have gone through the ritual (as many times in a row as needed), you should feel the portal close.

If using a representation of the portal, this is the time to burn it. Speak words of the closing and “never to open again” or “you are now sealed forever”, etc. to close the portal once and for all.  Dispose of the ashes. Sweep up the salt and dispose of it. I suggest spreading the cast sat outside as if it is ashes to disperse the energy that has been “cleansed”. You can say a little something as you dispose of it to ensure that whatever is contained within it is all gone.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss this spell further, please visit Unhypnotize.com’s Portal Closing Spell in the Wicca/Witchcraft area. Thank you, and good luck with your portal closing.

23 thoughts on “Portal Closing Spell: You May Need It”

  1. Here is an alternate way to close a portal:
    “To all the governance and enforcer entities of this portal: Truth, what is your job? Truth what was your job before that, truth before that, truth before that, truth before that?… etc (until the energy shifts) and then, ask truth what will your job be in the future?”
    Then thank them for doing an excellent job and remind them they can go now.
    Pretty easy stuff actually! This is a tool from “Talk To The Entities”

  2. So to be clear. Say what I want use what I want… just not Chrystal and Stones.

    Then they will be gone. Oh and throw salt at them.

    Got it. Thanks

      1. It makes sense why crystals and stones shouldn’t be used. However I’m a bit confused by the fact that salt is also a mineral and it is made up of crystal like structures hence the term “salt crystals”. If we think about why salt may be effective in these circumstances, it maybe because salt is crystal like and therefore it absorbs and captures the negative energy within its crystaline structure. The fact that salt made up of so many small particles could mean that it allows the negative energy to become fractured and dispetsed by all the individual salt crystals. If that is the case then technically speaking a proper crystal may also be just as effective given that you use a whole bunch of small crystal pieces to place in the area that needs cleansing. But following the ritual the crystal would also need to be cleansed or disposed of. I was thinking what if you shattered or crushed a large piece of crystal that had stored negative energy, would that mean that it would release the negative energy back into the environment? Maybe thats why the superstition about shattering mirrors and 7 year bad luck came about? Perhaps mirrors act like crystals and store energy and therefore breaking a mirror could release negative energy? Off course everything I’ve written is pure speculation so take it with a grain of salt. Pun intended 🙂

        1. Salt absolutely absorbs negative energy it doesn’t at least I assume it doesn’t absorb negative entities or demons spirits etc just the bad juju energy

  3. I have a mirror that had been used for black magik … not by me… when lookng in to in to it a black and white skinned demon was watching back… my eyes wee orange very scary.. we have it all on video… it looked i do but dead… please help. Can some one help me.. I’m very sick now to. Please contact my email address .

    Love to all.
    Thank you. (Katerinafrances35@gmail.com

    1. It sounds like you have an attachment. Spirits, wether angels or demons, know your weaknesses and fears before you do. I would imagine whoever used the mirror was skyring and didn’t know what they were doing. Now that spirit is trapped inside the mirror. Mirrors, doorways, threashholds, glass, anything reflective are portals or gateways to other realms & dimensions. What ever you do DO NOT DESTROY OR BREAK THE MIRROR!! Your best bet would be to have someone who is familiar with the spiritual world come over and do a proper cleansing and exorcism of you, the house, and the mirror then ward your space. If you feel confident enough you can smudge your house, yourself, and the mirror going from the back of the house to the front letting the smoke go in every corner of each room, doorway, windows, and mirrors. When you do this BE DEMANDING, DO NOT SHOW FEAR!! It is extremely important!! Demand it to leave letting it know it is not welcome, not wanted, doesn’t have permission to be there and you tie it with the pretext that it cannot return ever. Do this in the name of GOD, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, or whatever GOD or Goddess your comfortable working with. You then need to take exorcised holy water and bless each room the same way as before. It may have to be done several times but if you stand firm, it has no power and it will go!

  4. Is Katerinafrances82@gmail.com So sorry my email is this one.
    Have 100’s of orbs around me at all time… all on video .

    I would extremely grateful for anyone to please advise me on what I should do. I be constantly been getting ready in front of this mirror it also faces on to my bed .

      1. I have 100’s of orbs around me at all times, no matter where I am. I do have a mirror that has been in my family for multiple generations, as well as a mirror attached to a dresser that belonged to my grandmother, facing outside through French doors, orbs are always coming through these mirrors. I do not feel threatened by them, I have been told I’m an empath, idk if this has anything to do with the constant activity? I have trouble sleeping, always wake up between 2-3am, nightmares, etc. I burn sage & incense & instruct that nothing negative or evil can attach to me or can be in my home…

      2. I had a dream of a door upstairs in my house but there is no door upstairs so in my dream I opened it and there was a woman in the tiny room that looked like me but dead and she won’t leave at all I have tried banishing I have tried cleansing many kinds and she won’t go please help me she’s causing a lot of problems

    1. I also have 100’s orbs around me at all times, it doesn’t matter where I am, I do have a mirror in my bedroom that has been in my family for multiple generations & a mirror on my dresser that belonged to my grandmother, both facing outside to French doors… activity always, I’ve moved the mirror but didn’t help, confused about what I need to do, my home was built in 2009, I’m the first owner… although my family has had so much tragedy for generations, but that was the Deep South,I’m in North Dakota, moved here with work….

      1. If they haven’t caused you any harm yet, chances are they won’t. Don’t forget that good spirits show up in orbs too…you should see my house! They could be their to guide and protect you. You mentioned it belonged to your grandmother, it may be ancestral spirits. We all have spirits around us everyday, not everyone is open enough to see or sense them. Talk to them, ask them their reasons for being there and sit quietly to hear their reply. It will come like a passing thought or whisper at the back of your throat so pay attention. My intuition tells me they are guardians or guides. Was anyone in your family Holy or very religious in your family? If so we tend to have an abundance of guardians. If it bothers you too much, you can do a cleansing and exorcism of your space, but do it respectfully.

  5. Oh and fyi the 7 years bad luck if u break a mirror urban legend came from a few centuries back when the price and rarity of actual mirrors was high and only those of wealth who could afford them owned them it started as a way to make sure servants maids and any other mercantile would use the utmost extreme caution when carry or moving the mirrors. Their value was too high and so told them if they had an unfortunate incident and happenstance led to the breaking of the mirror then the breaker would carry on a curse of bad luck for 7 years.

  6. my friend had a portal that one of her friends open by black magic my friends is very strong in dark and light powers there are several entities trying to get her power she is able to use my power to gain power but lately there has been entity stronger than both of us in her house she is literally draining my powers to keep this entity from taking over her whats the best way to close the portal before it literally take her over what ever it is can control the powers of the phoenix which my friend has please help

  7. Your portal is at the end of your bed because YOU manifested it there. You are very open and don’t realize your abilities! I seen it. Be firm and do not show fear, then they have no power over you. However, due to your ability this is a problem that never really goes away. The best trick I have learned was to imagine a door at the very top of your head being closed. Then imagine what it feels like, looks like etc. to not be disturbed until you are ready to open it back up. It takes practice but it works❤️

  8. We have a mirror in our upstairs loo, there is no window in there, just this mirror over the loo.
    The bedroom we had before this little toilet room was built inside the bedroom already had a strange feel and the house is haunted, we call the spirit Alfred.
    Since the room has been built, and this mirror hung in there, the feeling has spread through the house, more bangs, even speach…
    I’ve created a SLS camera, amid other things, and actually seen spirit come through the mirror, one of them came through, walked past my Grandson and I, walked along the upstairs hallway, into the stairs that go to the loft room, and we could even see it walk up the loft stairs and into the loft.
    Others just stand aside the loo, more appear in what is left of the bedroom space that’s left.
    I have video of two downstairs, one hanging in the air waving it’s arms, one dropping to the ground into a crab shape, crawling up the wall and along the steel beam that shows where the wall partition used to but.
    Ive installed a infa red camera downstairs to watch our puppy from my phone, Everytime I turn it on when we climb into bed, orbs fly around the room,
    I’ve asked All negative energy ans spirits to leave more times than I can count, and not to come back, but while this mirror is around it just seems to come back a very short while later, I burn white sage often too asking them to leave, and stay away.
    My wife although she has like I no idea were this mirror came from, will not entertain taking it down, to me it even looks the shape of a grave stone.
    Any more ideas will be really welcome
    Mark C

  9. I have recently come to notice I have a couple dark entities in my house one coming from a scrying mirror I believe my aunts and uncles used for black Magic when they were a kids .but the real problem for me has been this succubus. I tried smudging yesterday but it didn’t work because I hit my vape. And that’s what it feeds on from me. I’m new to this whole thing. And need some help going along with this portal closing.

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