Your Health In A Nutshell

Without Your Health You Truly Have Nothing

Nothing is more important than your health. Without your health you have nothing. All of the money and the things that you worked so hard to get mean nothing if your health is suffering to the point you can't enjoy them.
Nothing is more important than your health. Without your health you have nothing. All of the money and the things that you worked so hard to get mean nothing if your health is suffering to the point you can’t enjoy them.

Nothing is more important than your health. Without your health you have nothing at all. All of the money and the things that you worked so hard to get mean nothing if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy them.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important than your health.

In today’s society, we find ourselves sacrificing our health for other things that we see as being more important. Most of that “more important” involves money.

The pursuit of money is the ultimate ailment; it is a plague.

Our physical health suffers when we overwork ourselves, and don’t eat properly, and when we keep ourselves stressed out over any and all issues that we have.

Our mental health also suffers in much the same way; the only difference being, we don’t see with our eyes the effects of a deteriorated mental state.

When most people think of their health, they usually only take into consideration their physical well-being. Physical health deals with what our bodies feel and go through. While our physical health is important, it is not the only thing we need to take care of. Our mental health is extremely important as well.

Stress affects both our mental as well as our physical health. It affects our overall well-being. Stress is a killer because it deteriorates our bodies, and it weakens our minds. Stress is the underlying cause of many illnesses.

We as a people would rather go out and work and keep ourselves busy just to have ‘things’; ‘things’ that are meaningless in the long-run. Those ‘things’ mean nothing if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy them. Without your health, nothing else matters.

If you are constantly working just to make lots and lots of money, but while you are working, you are stressed to the point where your body and mind are suffering, how does that help you? Where does that get you? It gets you nowhere, and all that working will have been for nothing because you can’t enjoy your money if you’re not well.

Some of you have to pay for your healthcare, and if you work yourself to the point where you have to put money into your healthcare, then you come away with nothing. The more you work, the more you make, the more you stress, and the more your health suffers; therefore your money goes toward your health and getting yourself better. Then you push yourself harder to gain that money back, and while you’re doing that, your health suffers once again. It’s a seemingly endless cycle.

You need to take care of your health in order to enjoy everything that you’ve amassed in your pursuit to amass it.

Sickness may slow down your process of gaining money and things, but if you don’t pay heed to your body’s cries for rest, your body suffers and any sickness that you have will get worse and your overall health will suffer. It may not show right away, but it will show itself. Your health will eventually deteriorate if you don’t pay attention and do something about your ailments when your body tells you to. Both your physical and your mental health will have you suffering if you don’t take care of yourself the way your body wants you to.

You have to keep your body and mind healthy. You have to stop once in a while and keep your well-being in mind and make sure that you remain healthy enough to gain the things you are after. Staying healthy allows you to enjoy yourself a lot more than if you are not well; both mentally and physically.

Life is about balance, so is being healthy. You have to balance work and pleasure in order to maintain a healthy mind and body. If you can’t then you are doomed to suffer.

Please, if there’s one thing you do for yourself it should be to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. A healthy person is a happy person.


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